Monday, June 21, 2010


The weekend was pretty awesome. Beautiful weather, fun events, some overall silliness. Can you ask for more? Amy and I kicked it off early on Saturday going to the 1st Annual SD Oysterfest in Seaport Village. For those who don't know I'm an oyster fanatic. I regularly attended the Oyster fest In San Francisco so I was pumped that SD finally got it together. I knew there were going to be some sights so I snapped a few pix.

I cruedly photoshoped this gem so you could get the full effect. Astroturf hat, overalls, rope Jesus sandals = Role model.

This was by far the coolest person at the event. Homeboy was volunteering because all proceeds go to Leukemia research. But he also hooked us up with some extra 'Sters cause we made him laugh. His style was impeccable. From the party haircut to the animal printed socks... the amazing Florida hat and glasses he jacked from his grandapa. Amazing. Reminds me a bit of my "special" friend Warren.

BBQ oysters with Amy's finishing touches.

I froth for the raw oysters though. I ate about a dozen of these. This was an amzing concoction we came up with. Added horseradish, onion/shallot vinaigrette, drop of Chalula, and a little spill of our Bloody Maries. Mind blowing deliciousness!

After Oysterfest there was a superhero sloshball event that everyone was getting into. I had some fam in town so I missed the event unfortunetly. But after dinner I met up with the few still standing. I see this as I walk into the bar...

Hamburglar details.